Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Forum Podcasts

Success and Challenges in Housing Anchorage Families - Chris Kolerok (slides available)

Chris Kolerok, Director of Public Policy and Governmental Affairs Cook Inlet Housing Authority Season 2023 Episode 122

Chris Kolerok is the Director of Public Policy with Cook Inlet Housing Authority, the Tribally Designated Housing Entity for the Cook Inlet Region of Southcentral Alaska. Chris is Cup’ik, German, and Irish, and his grandparents are from Mekoryuk in Western Alaska. Chris was previously the President of Bering Straits Regional Housing Authority in Nome, and CEO of Togiak Natives, Ltd. Chris serves on the Governor’s homelessness and housing advisory council and the two Continuums of Care in Alaska, the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness and the Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness.

The slide presentation is available here as a pdf -